Diameter SRES AVP is not found

asked 2024-10-17 20:15:26 +0000

updated 2024-10-17 23:34:37 +0000

Guy Harris gravatar image


How to define Diameter AVP SRES 1454?

And it seems it is encrypted.


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Is it this field: 7.3.60 SRES

Chuckc gravatar imageChuckc ( 2024-10-18 11:09:25 +0000 )edit

Yes, but there is not much details.

Illyac58 gravatar imageIllyac58 ( 2024-10-18 13:25:22 +0000 )edit

So, you're not asking for Wireshark to dissect that AVP any differently, you would just like someone to explain to you what SRES is in 3GPP networks? It's a security parameter that is an expected user response when a handset is authenticating on a network.

johnthacker gravatar imagejohnthacker ( 2024-10-18 15:39:04 +0000 )edit