์NO redirect web portal

asked 2024-08-26 03:07:09 +0000

chocho gravatar image

I connected the internet gateway BNG with MikroTik. Clients connected to the Wi-Fi, but it turns out they cannot be redirected to the portal page. Error 302 not found and I captured this error on Wireshark, but I don’t understand what it means. Could you please help me?"

TCP 1351 [TCP Previous segment not captured] 80 → 52499 [PSH, ACK] Seq=7468 Ack=2820 Win=37632 Len=1297 [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]

TCP 66 [TCP Dup ACK 366#1] 80 → 52464 [ACK] Seq=13736 Ack=2 Win=268 Len=0 SLE=1 SRE=2

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The TCP information you shared is for different TCP sessions. Is it possible to upload the pcap file to an open shared drive?

BigFatCat gravatar imageBigFatCat ( 2024-08-26 08:17:15 +0000 )edit