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How do you uninstall Wireshark on Windows?

asked 2024-07-28 01:59:07 +0000

bwagenberg gravatar image

updated 2024-07-29 02:35:27 +0000

Guy Harris gravatar image

Cannot UNinstall recent versions. Uninstall program and folder missing. Can that folder be downloaded individually or extracted from the setup program?

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What Operating System are you using?
E.g. on Windows there is a uninstall-wireshark.exe in the directory where Wireshark is installed.
For Mac see

André gravatar imageAndré ( 2024-07-28 10:45:24 +0000 )edit

I'm using Windows 10. The uninstall folder containing uninstall-wireshark.exe was never installed with 4.2.6. Can someone upload that folder or explain how to manually extract it from Wireshark-4.2.6-x64.exe.

bwagenberg gravatar imagebwagenberg ( 2024-07-28 21:12:58 +0000 )edit

The uninstall folder containing uninstall-wireshark.exe

There IS no uninstall folder. If you insist on manually uninstalling by running the uninstaller, rather than by using Settings, as described in my answer, uninstall-wireshark.exe is installed in the top-level installation directory for Wireshark.

Guy Harris gravatar imageGuy Harris ( 2024-07-29 02:03:30 +0000 )edit

The windows uninstaller is looking for uninstall-wireshark.exe, which does not exist, so it errors.

bwagenberg gravatar imagebwagenberg ( 2024-07-29 14:54:51 +0000 )edit

Uninstall-Wireshark.exe is nowhere in C:\Program Files\Wireshark.

bwagenberg gravatar imagebwagenberg ( 2024-07-29 14:56:39 +0000 )edit

Uninstall-Wireshark.exe is nowhere in C:\Program Files\Wireshark.

It must have gotten removed, then, as it exists in my installation of Wireshark 4.2.6:

C:\Users\guy>dir "\Program Files\Wireshark\*wireshark*"
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 46F1-E539

 Directory of C:\Program Files\Wireshark

07/10/2024  11:13 AM        88,901,872 libwireshark.dll
07/29/2024  08:28 AM           358,016 uninstall-wireshark.exe
07/29/2024  08:28 AM    <DIR>          Wireshark User's Guide
07/10/2024  11:01 AM            34,897 wireshark-filter.html
07/10/2024  11:13 AM         9,653,488 Wireshark.exe
07/10/2024  11:01 AM           164,669 wireshark.html
               5 File(s)     99,112,942 bytes
               1 Dir(s)  88,871,460,864 bytes free

It's the second one of the listed files.

I suggest you drag C:\Program Files\Wireshark to the trash ...(more)

Guy Harris gravatar imageGuy Harris ( 2024-07-29 15:33:15 +0000 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2024-07-30 15:04:37 +0000

bwagenberg gravatar image

updated 2024-07-30 15:05:34 +0000

The final answer was to delete the c:\program files\wireshark folder and reinstall. Uninstall-wireshark.exe and everything is now visible and works normally.

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answered 2024-07-28 20:39:19 +0000

Guy Harris gravatar image

updated 2024-07-29 02:04:13 +0000

If you're running Windows:

  • for Windows 10, open Settings, select Apps, and there should be an entry for Wireshark - select it, and click the "Uninstall" button;

  • for Windows 11, open Settings, select Apps, select Installed Apps, and there should be an entry for Wireshark from which you can select "Uninstall" if you click the "..." item.

(Those are the only two versions of Windows on which the 4.2.x releases of Wireshark run.)

If you're running macOS, the application is uninstalled by dragging it to the Trash; see the question mentioned in a comment for directions on uninstalling any system changes.

If you're running some other operating system, you probably installed Wireshark from the OS's packaging mechanism (APT for Debian and Debian-based Linux distributions, RPM for Linux distribtions that use it, various other packaging mechanisms for other Linux distributions, *BSDs, etc.). Those should provide mechanisms for uninstalling.

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To clarify, Windows Server 2016, 2019 and 2022 are also supported.

On Win 10 & 11 you may also use the command line package management tool winget to install, uninstall or update. Other package management tools are also available.

grahamb gravatar imagegrahamb ( 2024-07-29 08:46:27 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2024-07-28 01:59:07 +0000

Seen: 560 times

Last updated: Jul 30