Ethernet data Transmit issue UDP

asked 2024-07-25 05:05:41 +0000

updated 2024-07-25 06:10:33 +0000

Jaap gravatar image

Hi team,

We are encountering in our project, which involves data transmission using the LWIP stack with the UDP protocol.

  1. Source IP Address (Board):
  2. Destination IP Address (Board): (Broadcast)
  3. Monitoring Laptop IP Address:

We have configured our system to continuously transmit data from the board to the monitoring laptop or pc. The data transmission works correctly some time; however, we face intermittent issues when the laptop or pc provides mDNS (Multicast DNS) services to the board. During these instances, data transmission errors occur, causing interruptions.

This problem is not consistent across all systems. While some systems continue to transmit data LINK--->

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Could you make the file on your google drive publicly accessible?

SYN-bit gravatar imageSYN-bit ( 2024-07-25 06:31:45 +0000 )edit