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LUA script - Add a new Field in the Default TCP Dissector

asked 2024-07-11 15:03:53 +0000

bunnis gravatar image

updated 2024-07-11 15:04:23 +0000


I'm writing a Lua script for a Vendor device that outputs error codes in the TCP Window value of RST packets. So far I was able to successfully create my LUA script, which works fine. The only "problem" is that my value goes into a new subtree of the Packet Details Tree. I would like to add this as a new child in the TCP subtree, for example, below the Windows value itself. I have the impression that this is not possible with the LUA script, however I would like to ask the community to validate it or point me in the right direction. The following code is based on the chained dissectors code found at and will output the following example

image description

local ip_proto_table = DissectorTable.get("ip.proto")
-- save the original dissector so we can still get to it
local original_tcp_dissector = ip_proto_table:get_dissector(6)

-- Reset code to description table
-- Define a new protocol, but doesn't register it yet
local tcp_windows_proto = Proto("tcp_windows", "Reset Window Codes")

-- Define the fields
local pf_window = ProtoField.uint16("tcp_windows.window", "Window Size", base.DEC)
local pf_query  ="Query", "tcp_windows.explain", ftypes.BYTES)
local f_custom_string = ProtoField.string("tcp_windows.custom_string", "Description of the Reset Code")

tcp_windows_proto.fields = { pf_window, pf_query, f_custom_string}

-- Dissection function
function tcp_windows_proto.dissector(buffer, pinfo, tree)
  -- Check if the packet contains TCP

local subtreeitem = tree:add(f_custom_string, "Output before")

-- we've replaced the original http dissector in the dissector table,
-- but we still want the original to run, especially because we need to read its data
original_tcp_dissector:call(buffer, pinfo, tree)

local subtreeitem = tree:add(f_custom_string, "Output after")


-- Register the dissector and take its place in the dissector table
ip_proto_table:add(6, tcp_windows_proto)
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1 Answer

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answered 2024-07-11 17:37:32 +0000

Chuckc gravatar image

There is a more recent answer here as to why not but can't find it at the moment.
Here is a past answer (LUA dissector: update treeitem in earlier packet) and the project associated with it (Github: gaddman/wireshark-tcpextend)

Do your captures have any protocols that are decoded by a TCP heuristic?
If not, you could add your dissector to the TCP heuristic table and set TCP preference to run heuristics first.

Frame 1: 88 bytes on wire (704 bits), 88 bytes captured (704 bits)
Linux cooked capture v1
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: (
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 3003, Dst Port: 6689, Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 32
Important EASYPOST Protocol
    EASYPOST data: ·······AP···
IPA protocol ip.access, type: RSL
Radio Signalling Link (RSL)
GSM CCCH - Immediate Assignment

-- Replace occurrences of "easypost/EASYPOST" with protocol/dissector name.
-- Grab and format fields as needed

-- Step 1 - document as you go. See header above and set_plugin_info().
local easypost_info =
    version = "1.0.0",
    author = "Good Coder",
    description = "Important EASYPOST stuff",
    repository = "Floppy in top drawer"


-- Step 2 - create a protocol to attach new fields to
local easypost_p ="easypost","Important EASYPOST Protocol")

-- Step 3 - add some field(s) to Step 2 protocol
local pf = { payload = ProtoField.string("easypost.payload", "EASYPOST data") }

easypost_p.fields = pf

-- Step 4 - create a Field extractor to copy packet field data.
easypost_payload_f ="tcp.flags.str")

-- Step 5 - create the postdissector function that will run on each frame/packet
function easypost_p.dissector(tvb,pinfo,tree)
    local subtree = nil

    print("in easypost_p")
    subtree = tree:add(easypost_p)

    -- copy existing field(s) into table for processing
    finfo = { easypost_payload_f() }

    if (#finfo > 0) then
        print("#finfo > 0")
        if not subtree then
            subtree = tree:add(easypost_p)
        for k, v in pairs(finfo) do
            -- process data and add results to the tree
            local field_data = string.format("%s", v):upper()
            subtree:add(pf.payload, field_data)

-- Step 6 - register the new protocol as a heuristic
-- 240711 -
easypost_p:register_heuristic("tcp", easypost_p.dissector)

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Thanks for your answer, I think the way I have it at the moment suffices. Thanks for your input. I have created my script and shared for the community. I might try to fiddle with the Wireshark source code and add this as I originally wanted.

bunnis gravatar imagebunnis ( 2024-07-15 20:31:12 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2024-07-11 15:03:53 +0000

Seen: 259 times

Last updated: Jul 11 '24