nRF Sniffer 4.1.1 extcap not showing in interfaces list on macOS Sonoma 14.5
I realize this is very close to the issues reported in this earlier question: …but since it's been 4 years, and several releases, I thought perhaps it was prudent to make this a new question. I did, however, use a lot of the information I found in that old question to help troubleshoot to the degree I have so far.
The components:
- Hardware: Bluefruit LE Sniffer - Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE 4.0) - nRF51822 - Firmware Version 2
- macOS Sonoma 14.5
- Wireshark
4.0.15 (v.4.0.15-0-g10bc5ded73f3)
"Old Stable Release" from the downloads page - I realize there is a new version, but I downgraded on suspicion that there was an incompatibility with the nRF Sniffer plugin - Silicon Labs CP210x VCP Mac OSX Driver,
, for the hardware driver - nRF Sniffer for Bluetooth LE v
, installed in/Applications/
- Python
with the requirements.txt installed (pyserial 3.5 and psutil 6.0.0)
So far:
Initially following the directions from Adafruit and the Nordic docs, I installed the driver, approved it in macOS Preferences, and rebooted. The sniffer hardware seems to be available when viewing it in a system report, as the “CP2102N USB to UART Bridge Controller”, which seems correct, based on the driver. And it does seem to show up as /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART
for the port. I can confirm its existence or not, if I check for ls /dev/tty* | grep SLAB
with or without the USB hardware attached.
I initially installed the latest stable Wireshark (4.2.5), but having no success, and seeing an error in the output about a syntax error with a \s
token, I downgraded to the previous stable version (4.0.15), since I saw that the release notes for the nRF Sniffer plug-in showed a fix for compatibility with Wireshark 4.0.0, and I didn't want to stray too far off into untested incompatibility.
I installed the nRF Sniffer files in the extcap
folder as instructed, and installed the dependencies from the requirements.txt
file. I manually ran the command ./ --extcap-interfaces
and got this output:
Running script with: </Users/mboszko/.pyenv/shims/python3> with PATH: </Users/mboszko/Omni Checkouts/mark/dripbot:/Users/mboszko/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1/bin:/Users/mboszko/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1@global/bin:/Users/mboszko/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.4.1/bin:/Users/mboszko/bin:/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Tools:/Users/mboszko/.pyenv/shims:/users/mboszko/Applications:/Users/mboszko/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/git-open:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ ...
(No Mac here. Windows output below)
Does the plugin appear in Wireshark Help:
Help -> About Wireshark:Plugins
. Search fornrf
or filter forextcap
.Did you make the change/fix to the sniffer script mentioned in the Adafruit article/forum post?
Thank you! I somehow missed that Mac-specific instruction. I changed the Python script in the plugin, and I seem to get the same exact output (I threw the output into a diff viewer, and they were exactly the same), and it still does not how up in Wireshark. Looking in Wireshark > About Wireshark > Plugins, a seach for
gives no result, and if I filter byextcap
, it does not appear there :(If you don't mind a small detour, there is an example extcap script.
WSDG: 8.2. Adding Capture Interfaces And Log Sources Using Extcap
Script available in the Wireshark source tree or from the Gitlab repository:
Getting it working would prove that Python is available and that the scripts are in the correct directory.