Difference between Wireshark and tshark on InfiniBand dissection
I wrote a heuristic LUA dissector for a protocol that uses UDP port 4791 and it works as expected in Wireshark. However, when I try to use the same dissector with tshark, the InfiniBand dissector tries and fails to decode the packet, preventing my heuristic dissector from operating, unless I disable it explicitly.
In the Wireshark prefs for IB there is a preference that is default true called “Try heuristic sub-dissectors first”. The same preference appears to be known to tshark:
tshark_ib % /Applications/Wireshark.app/Contents/MacOS/tshark -G currentprefs | grep -B 2 infiniband.try_heuristic_first
# Try to decode a packet using an heuristic sub-dissector before using Decode As
# TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive)
#infiniband.try_heuristic_first: TRUE
but it doesn’t appear to have an effect, even if forced to TRUE with the -o command-line option. Attached is a script that demonstrates the tshark behavior with a minimal packet and dissector -- the LUA dissector is invoked only by the third way of calling tshark. The heuristic_dissector.lua file produced by the script can be loaded into Wireshark to confirm that it dissects the udp_packet.pcap file as PROP with default prefs.
Is it a bug for tshark not to invoke the heuristic dissector before the InfiniBand one?
cat <<EOF | ${TEXT2PCAP} -qu "${UDP_SRC_PORT},${UDP_DST_PORT}" - ${PCAP_FN}
0000 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef
cat >heuristic_dissector.lua <<EOF
-- This heuristic dissector works in Wireshark with the default preference of
-- infiniband.try_heuristic_first: TRUE
-- but it does not work in tshark without disabling the InfiniBand protocol.
local proto = Proto("prop", "PROP")
function proto.dissector(buffer, pinfo, root)
print("prop dissector invoked")
root:add(proto, buffer())
pinfo.cols.protocol = proto.name
return buffer:len()
local udp_dstport = Field.new("udp.dstport")
proto:register_heuristic("udp", function (buffer, pinfo, root)
if udp_dstport()() == ${UDP_DST_PORT} then
proto.dissector(buffer, pinfo, root)
return true
return false
echo "Heuristic dissector:"
${TSHARK} -X lua_script:heuristic_dissector.lua -r ${PCAP_FN}
echo "Heuristic dissector, overriding infiniband.try_heuristic_first to true:"
${TSHARK} -X lua_script:heuristic_dissector.lua -o infiniband.try_heuristic_first:TRUE -r ${PCAP_FN}
echo "Heuristic dissector, InfiniBand disabled:"
${TSHARK} -X lua_script:heuristic_dissector.lua --disable-protocol infiniband -r ${PCAP_FN}
Should you be asking the UDP dissector to try heuristics first?
to TRUE on the tshark command-line did get my dissector invoked. I'm still confused why Wireshark works differently, since checking the the UDP Preferences in it shows the pref is false, but my heuristic dissector works as expected.This is for finding which heuristic is eating your data but might interesting to check the debug log.
LinkedIn: heuristic debug
6712: epan: ws_debug log for heuristic that claims frame (len != 0)
Without your setup (profiles, recent, others?) this would be hard to recreate.
If you can recreate it, run Wireshark from a console with debug logging on.
Excellent work on the submission including how to recreate the sample data.
I'm overdue to add/update an entry on the Wiki for how to "Ask" questions. Ok to copy over there?
Thanks, sure you can use what I wrote as part of an example question.
I tried the --log-level debug and I get a lot of output but nothing about where the packets are going, neither with tshark or Wireshark. They're both version v4.2.5-0-g4aa814ac25a1.