wireshark 4.2 "open Capture button" is not working

asked 2024-06-17 17:04:48 +0000

stefano19d gravatar image

wireshark 4.2 "open Capture button" is not working. Howver works fine on release 4.3rc1 . is this a bug fixed in 4.3 ? and when will 4.3 be released to public?

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What "open Capture button" are you referring to? Is this a button on the main screen?

Guy Harris gravatar imageGuy Harris ( 2024-06-18 00:12:49 +0000 )edit

top menu icons, to the right of "capture options" looks like a "folder" . that does not work on win11, several machines same result with ver 4.2. The only thing that works is updating to the 4.3rc1 release.

stefano19d gravatar imagestefano19d ( 2024-06-18 01:05:07 +0000 )edit

Is there a 4.2.x that works and a later 4.2.x where it doesn't?

Chuckc gravatar imageChuckc ( 2024-06-18 01:58:35 +0000 )edit

the only version that worked/tested is 4.3 developer release.

stefano19d gravatar imagestefano19d ( 2024-06-18 02:02:54 +0000 )edit

Unfortunately all I can add is that 4.2.5 works for me on Win 11 (opening a capture using the toolbar button).

OP, can you edit your question to include the output of Help -> About Wireshark -> Wireshark tab? Hint, the Copy to Clipboard button helps.

grahamb gravatar imagegrahamb ( 2024-06-18 08:00:49 +0000 )edit