Installed Wireshark 2.6.1 and Displays No Interfaces Found to Capture
I installed wireshark 2.6.1 on windows 10 and for some reason its showing that there are no interfaces found to capture like my wireless network connection.
Can you post the contents of the Help | About Wireshark dialog, you can copy them to the clipboard by highlighting and Control + C?
I'm having this issue, here's my Help/About text.
(more)You are using WinPcap as the capture library, can you check the NPF driver is started by entering the following at a command prompt:
I am new to WireShark, although I used Ethereal some years ago. I just installed a Ver. 2.6.4 on a Dell DeskTop with Windows 10 OS (originally was Windows 7). It worked fine. I then tried to do the same on an Asus EeePC NoteBook (with the same OS history), but got the "No interfaces Found." message on the first screen. I double checked that this PC had no problem browsing internet sites. I have tried the suggestions in a few discussion threads about this issue on this forum. None seemed to work for me.
One particular possible diversion is when I tried to invoke CMD.exe as Administrator, it came up with a message, "Not enough memory resources are available to process this command." Is this a warning that certain operations might run into problems, although common commands seemed to work fine?
Any advice would be much ...(more)