tshark compile and install on OpenWRT environment
Hi There,
How to download, compile and install the tshark on OpenWRT environment. Please help me with Makefile.
Hi There,
How to download, compile and install the tshark on OpenWRT environment. Please help me with Makefile.
Please help me with Makefile.
There is no Makefile in the Wireshark source. Wireshark uses CMake as its build system; see the Wireshark Developer's Guide, especially the setup and build guide for use on UN*Xes.
If you will be building on a the target machine running OpenWRT, that may be sufficient.
If you will be cross-compiling for OpenWRT on another Linux or on some other UN*X, see the aforementioned setup and build guide, as well as the CMake documentation on cross-compiling.
If you will be cross-compiling for OpenWRT on Windows, you may also have to look at the various sections in the Developer's Guide about building on Windows, although not all of that information applies directly.
I don't think there is an OpenWRT package for Wireshark, but there is for tcpdump, see here for more info.
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Asked: 2023-12-18 05:24:40 +0000
Seen: 872 times
Last updated: Dec 18 '23
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