HL7 messages

asked 2023-11-14 12:48:36 +0000

VDP gravatar image

updated 2023-11-15 08:32:05 +0000


I'm trying to capture an HL7 message and validate it.

I'm running the following:

# tshark -i eth0 -l -Y hl7 -T ek -e hl7.field

I'm getting data such as:

{"timestamp":"1699963629656","layers":{"hl7_field":["MSH","^~\\&","111","XXX","11","XXX","1223345","ADT^A31^ADT_A05","3434634","P","2.7","AL","NE","UNICODE UTF-8","EVN","A31","1223345","HL7_sip^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^","PID","1","346643^^^041^PI~457647657^^^001~3464564565^^^041~07/34564574676-91^^^015","MY^NAME^NAME","&&NAME","567567676345","F","&AV/ STREET^^7046^7^5464565^724^^14","^^PH^^^^123456789~^^CP^^^^123456789","SOME PLACE","N","00000000000000","PV1","N"]}}

I am unable to validate the HL7 data with online validation tools.

I take it I need to use the | separator for each field value.

How can I make sure the captured HL7 message data is "correct"?


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I think you will find that it is better to put it in a PCAP file and use wireshark itself to see what it looks like. But it seems you need to translate "," to | in order to get somethin more familiar to your parser.

hugo.vanderkooij gravatar imagehugo.vanderkooij ( 2023-11-14 13:23:42 +0000 )edit

I translated "," to |, but it does not validate. It seems I'm missing fields. I need to parse/validate on stdout and in real-time. I cannot use a pcap file or wireshark.

VDP gravatar imageVDP ( 2023-11-14 13:42:42 +0000 )edit

By using the -T ek option you choose the JSON format as output format and the "hl7_field" contains an array of fields. So the output is not the same as what is actually captured.

Have you tried -T fields -e hl7.field?

I suggest to write to file using -w /tmp/myfile.pcap, download it and open it Wireshark to work out what is actually captured. Then use tshark -r myfile.pcap ... , to figure what output would do the job.

André gravatar imageAndré ( 2023-11-15 11:14:21 +0000 )edit

Yes, I also tried with -T fields, and it's basically the same data except I have have to replace , with |. I get something like:


I will try to dump to pcap then. Thanks

VDP gravatar imageVDP ( 2023-11-15 11:27:31 +0000 )edit

I have have to replace , with |

Then use: -T fields -e hl7.field -E 'aggregator=|' (see tshark man page)

Do the 'online validation tools' require the non-printable characters as well?
To output a hexdump try: -T fields -e tcp.payload -Y hl7, that shows in my case that it starts with a hex 0b (vertical tab) and ends with 0d 1c 0d (CR FS CR).

André gravatar imageAndré ( 2023-11-15 14:32:24 +0000 )edit

I've used several, but ended up with HL7 Inspector:

I don't think I need tcp.payload.

I tried several HL7 messages I've capured, but none seem to be "valid" even when using -E 'aggregator=|' (HL7 Inspector is the only one I've found that does not "complain" about the format, but it still doesn't give the results I was hoping for). Sorry if I'm new to HL7 and probably screwing things up. I'll try to anonymize a full HL7 message and paste it here for clarity:


I'm trying to understand the HL7 structure and how to properly and meaningfully extract data from it. As a simple example, I'd like to monitor, say, cholesterol levels (sent via LIS lab results) according to patient ...(more)

VDP gravatar imageVDP ( 2023-11-16 11:19:07 +0000 )edit

On top of the field sequence issue noted above it also seems that my tshark commands output the whole HL7 message on just one line (with or without -l). However, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think MSH, OBX,etc should be on their own lines. How do I make sure tshark outputs or encodes the line feeds?

BTW, -e hl7.raw outputs blank chars on the console. What is hl7.raw for?

VDP gravatar imageVDP ( 2023-11-16 17:22:01 +0000 )edit

Looking at https://gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshar... the hl7.field field contains only the contents of a field, thus the separators are stripped off. That is why the Carriage Returns (\r) are not printed when using -e hl7.field

The raw fields only work when enabled in the HL7 protocol preferences.

tshark -2 -Y hl7 -o hl7.display_raw:TRUE -E escape=n -Tfields -e hl7.raw

(-o hl7.display_llp:TRUE to enable LLP markers.)

By the way: most terminals will just overwrite the same line when \r is used, because that is what Carriage Return means...

André gravatar imageAndré ( 2023-11-16 20:05:16 +0000 )edit

It seems that I can now get all the segments of an HL7 message with this command:

# tshark -i eth0 -l -Y hl7 -T ek -e hl7.segment -E aggregator=\|

hl7.segment is an array with all the segments (MSH, PID, OBX, etc.).

I still don't know what hl7.field does except maybe put every segment in a single string.

So I guess I'm OK with that for now. Thank you very much.

Now all I need to do is make sure tshark only outputs to stdout.

If I run the above command I get:

 ** (tshark:73679) 15:18:20.257990 [Main MESSAGE] -- Capture started.
 ** (tshark:73679) 15:18:20.258090 [Main MESSAGE] -- File: "/tmp/wireshark_ext.65UT4FE2.pcapng"

Why is it trying to dump to /tmp if I didn't specify -w?

# tshark -i eth0 -l -Y hl7 -T ek -e hl7.segment -E aggregator=\| -q -w -
tshark ...
VDP gravatar imageVDP ( 2023-11-17 14:25:39 +0000 )edit

hl7.segment is an array with all the segments (MSH, PID, OBX, etc.).
I still don't know what hl7.field does except maybe put every segment in a single string.

Like hl7.segment field contains a HL7 segment, the hl7.field contains a HL7 field. By using -e hl7.fields you tell tshark to output all fields joined together using the aggregator character, which is comma by default.

Why is it trying to dump to /tmp if I didn't specify -w?

Neither TShark and Wireshark do the actual capturing. Both call dumpcap for that. Normally you don't see that message unless you increase the log level.

By "dissected packets" does it refer to "-e hl7.segment"? What does it mean by "raw packet data"?

The "raw packet data" is the data as it is captured and how it is stored in a pcap file (-w option).
The ...(more)

André gravatar imageAndré ( 2023-11-17 21:59:31 +0000 )edit