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Oracle Forms

asked 2023-10-22 15:59:49 +0000

Hi. I'm looking for a little assistance in unpacking an Oracle Forms pcap trace. We're seeing very little TCP keep alive sessions, but rather TCP sessions, without any data being passed, then TCP sessions close and another session is initiated. After a number of these we see ligitimate http or https client server traffic. Thereafter back to this weird behaviour. Oracle Forms is a java think client technology stack, where forms are compliled and run within a browser, with calls to PL/SQL backend packages within the Oracle database. Any ideas or assistance is appreciated. Kind regards, Oliver

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answered 2023-10-23 07:27:50 +0000

hugo.vanderkooij gravatar image

My first search on Oracle forms tells me that it is considered an outdated protocol.

Looking at the documentation ( there is only a HTTP listener so something is designed inside the application to do something else in which case you need to talk to the designer of the forms to get additional specifications.

Or this other traffic is not relevant at all.

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Hello and thanks. Yes, the application was written in Oracle Forms and Oracle PL/SQL and was initially installed on IBM Power5 and later Power7 AIX machines. Around 9 years ago it was ported to an Oracle Super Cluster T5-8 where it's been running until this last weekend. The Oracle WebLogic 11g app servers were upgarded to WebLogic 12c a few years ago, and the database from 12c to 19c. Last weekend we migrated to Linux EC2 Instances but still run oracel database, PL/SQL and WebLogic as the application has dependancies especially around JRE1.7 librabries. What's really confusing though is the fact the Forms app is creating these TCP sessions, not sending a bytes data and closing, instead of a TCP socket with keep alive packets, like a well formed app. We've had guys look into the packet traces and nudda. The AWS world introduced ...(more)

OliverMc66 gravatar imageOliverMc66 ( 2023-11-15 18:42:17 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2023-10-22 15:59:49 +0000

Seen: 213 times

Last updated: Oct 23 '23