trying to extract javascript generated links ...

asked Aug 22 '3

updated Aug 22 '3

some sites apparently use server generated links on activation of a page on a browser window (there are no URLs at all as you can see when you look at the page source), see, for example:

I thought that using wireshark with the appropriate filter you should be able to list all URLs as you just scroll down the page. Is this possible with wireshark? If so, how would you go about doing such thing?

I would rather use wireshark instead of a javascript and/or and add on "solution" because whatever they do, they will have to ultimately hit back their servers to get the URL anyway.

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Site is https. Look at wiki: Using the (Pre)-Master-Secret for steps to collect the keys needed to decode the tls data.

Chuckc gravatar imageChuckc ( Aug 22 '3 )