make tshark output ignore irrelevant fields
I am trying to get tshark to produce output similar to what wireshark does, ie show fields only relevant to the found protocols etc. for each line separately
if I use
-T fields -e ip.proto -e udp.srcport -e udp.dstport -e tcp.srcport -e tcp.dstport
or such, it does print the UDP fields empty if the current frame is TCP and vice versa
Is there a way to make it print protocol fields conditionally or n lieu of each other, something like (pretending that -c is 'condition':)
-Tfields -e ip.proto "\( (-c ip-proto==17 -e tcp.srcport -e tcp.dstport) -o (-c ip.proto==6 -e udp.srcport -e udp.dstport)"
or such. I do want all data in one line, if possible