the mcpe dissector is not working

asked 2023-06-26 19:51:58 +0000

s1and1 gravatar image

Hello, I use your dissector in wireshark, but when using it, it turned out that the mcpe dissector does not work, all mcpe packets are identified as raknet packets, what needs to be done for wireshark to understand that this is an mcpe packet?

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Sharing a sample capture file (not a screenshot!) through some file share service would allow us to have a look at what you're seeing. You can add the link the the question.

Jaap gravatar imageJaap ( 2023-06-27 07:42:16 +0000 )edit

There is a sample capture on the wiki with a few MCPE packets:

(protocol reference:

Chuckc gravatar imageChuckc ( 2023-06-27 10:08:29 +0000 )edit
s1and1 gravatar images1and1 ( 2023-06-27 11:01:56 +0000 )edit

this example is recognized as a raknet packet

s1and1 gravatar images1and1 ( 2023-06-27 11:04:36 +0000 )edit

Does this explain the situation a bit?

Jaap gravatar imageJaap ( 2023-06-27 13:43:18 +0000 )edit