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tshark export data with epoch time

asked 2023-06-08 08:41:02 +0000

BMWE gravatar image

updated 2023-06-08 09:00:34 +0000


I'm trying to read file and save content to text file with epoch time. I'm executing : tshark -r filename.cap -t e -F k12text -w tmp.txt, however the exported time stamp is utc time.

Please assist.

Tshark version 3.4.0

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Can you update the question with the output of tshark -v.

Chuckc gravatar imageChuckc ( 2023-06-08 08:58:21 +0000 )edit

appended :)

BMWE gravatar imageBMWE ( 2023-06-08 09:01:03 +0000 )edit

Thanks! I'm seeing the same thing with 4.0.6. Will look at code to see why.

Chuckc gravatar imageChuckc ( 2023-06-08 09:04:39 +0000 )edit

Does it has to be k12text?
Otherwise you can use this way to extract the epoch time and only the other fields you require:
tshark -r filename.cap -T fields -e frame.time_epoch -e ...

André gravatar imageAndré ( 2023-06-08 20:00:14 +0000 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2023-06-08 09:23:42 +0000

Chuckc gravatar image

updated 2023-06-08 09:30:10 +0000

-t only affects the timestamp in the summary lines.

~$ tshark -r ./tcptst_out.pcap
    1   0.000000 TCP   443 → 18082 [FIN, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=68 Len=0

~$ tshark -r ./tcptst_out.pcap -t e
    1 1592016429.488229 TCP   443 → 18082 [FIN, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=68 Len=0

~$ tshark -r ./tcptst_out.pcap -t u
    1 02:47:09.488229 TCP   443 → 18082 [FIN, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=68 Len=0

tshark man page:

-t a|ad|adoy|d|dd|e|r|u|ud|udoy

Set the format of the packet timestamp printed in summary lines. The format can be one of:

This is where the timestamp is set when writing -F k12text:


    ms = rec->ts.nsecs / 1000000;
    ns = (rec->ts.nsecs - (1000000*ms))/1000;

    tmp = gmtime(&rec->ts.secs);
    if (tmp == NULL)
        snprintf(p, 90, "+---------+---------------+----------+\r\nXX:XX:XX,");
        strftime(p, 90, "+---------+---------------+----------+\r\n%H:%M:%S,", tmp);
    wl = strlen(p);
    p += wl;
    left -= wl;

    wl = snprintf(p, (gulong)left, "%.3d,%.3d   %s\r\n|0   |", ms, ns, str_enc);

~$ cat tmp.txt
02:47:09,488,229   ETHER
|0   |ec|f4|bb|4a|4e|de|f0|9f|c2|df|16|1f|08|00|45|00|00|28|ad|4a|40|00|3c|06|44|da|68|12|5b|69|c0|a8|c8|87|01|bb|46|a2|02|c6|0f|66|bc|e2|7e|d5|50|11|00|44|cc|a2|00|00|00|00|25|c4|b8|3b|
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any option to get the time in epoch time?

BMWE gravatar imageBMWE ( 2023-06-08 09:29:04 +0000 )edit

Would require a custom build that modifies wiretap/k12text.l. Or post-process the output file with a script to translate time format.

Chuckc gravatar imageChuckc ( 2023-06-08 09:32:43 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2023-06-08 08:41:02 +0000

Seen: 803 times

Last updated: Jun 08 '23