How to view Packet bytes as decimal?
In the Packet window I am able to view packet bytes as hex or binary. Is (or may) there be an option for viewing packet bytes decoded as decimal?
In the Packet window I am able to view packet bytes as hex or binary. Is (or may) there be an option for viewing packet bytes decoded as decimal?
There is no option other than hexadecimal or binary.
You can raise a feature request at .
For now you can convert it using an other tool. For example copy as 'Printable Text' and pipe it through this Perl oneliner:
perl -e 'undef $/; $l = <>; $l =~ s/(.)/sprintf("%4d", ord($1))/egs; print $l;'
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Asked: 2022-12-29 21:27:19 +0000
Seen: 1,469 times
Last updated: Dec 30 '22
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