I want to debug from WinMain
I'm new to C language development, so I apologize for the basic question.
I am trying to debug in Debug mode by opening "C:\Development\wsbuild64\Wireshark.sln" in Visual Stadio2019.
Even if I set a breakpoint at an appropriate place and double-click the WinMain line in the Call Stack window, the WinMain line does not appear.
When the common dialog is displayed and closed by canceling, "qtentrypoint_win.cpp is not found" is displayed.
Searching for qtentrypoint_win.cpp under "C:\Development" does not exist.
I want to set a breakpoint in WinMain and debug it.
What should I do?
Where should I check the window that is displayed first in the source code?
Sorry for the elementary question.
I could not find API calls such as ShowWindow and CreateWindow even if I searched.
How does the Wireshark window display work?
Also, can't you check the screen in the designer?
If you can't check it in the designer, where is the screen drawing logic written?
The place where the main window is created was the following place.
line 693,694
main_w = new(WiresharkMainWindow);
When I put the cursor on show and press Shift+F2, I got an error that "qwidget.cpp" was not found.
qwidget.cpp does not exist locally.
I want to step into Show and debug.
what should i do
Also, following the inheritance of main_w, the following error occurred.
Could not find definition for symbol 'QMainWindow'.
Where is the definition of QMainWindow mentioned
To debug into Qt code you can install the Qt symbols and source code. There are options in the Qt maintenance tool for these items. Obviously you have to install the symbols and source code for the version of Qt you are building with.
Thank you for your reply.
How do I install Qt symbols and source code?