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Analyzing SMB behavior when different client OS connect (Mainly OSX)

asked 2022-09-05 10:04:28 +0000


Issue i have is customer gets "READ ONLY" issues when opening files from a SMB share

Its my belief that this issue is only present when different OSX operating systems are on the network: - when all 8 imacs were on "Catalina" we had no issue - years ago when we has sierra & hi-sierra we did have issue - now we have Catalina, big sur & Monterey and we do have this issue

The specific fault / question i have put on apple forum here>

My wire shark question... Any suggestions on what test / traces / logs i can setup to prove the behavior change with in the network when different clients present ?

Thanks in advance

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answered 2022-09-07 15:36:04 +0000

Eddi gravatar image

The story about "all clients need the same operating system" sounds weird. IMHO this is a matter of the samba client configuration.

Try to analyze the handshake between client and server

  • Will both systems use TCP port 445? Or do they fail back to port 139?
  • hint: It should be 445.

  • Will they agree on a common SMB dialect?
  • hint: should be at least SMB 2.002 or higher.

  • Will the devices establish a SMB session? This would be like a logon to the server
  • hint: Make sure that the clients do not send a Lan Manager Hash in the response. The presence of the hash might cause the server to refuse the connection. This depends on the security policy and is hard to find in the log files.
  • hint: Check if the client sends NTLM or NTLM v2 hash or both. Check with the server if NTLM hashes are refused
  • hint: Check if both sides share the same signing policy (Signing enabled / signing required)
  • Extra hint if you are using a domain: Check if the client could obtain the required Kerberos tickets

  • Check if the Tree Connect Request names the correct share name.
  • hint: \hostname\share and not \ip.address\share
  • hint: Are you using only ASCII characters for the share name? Or are you struggling with Unicode characters?

  • Check if your DFS referrals work.
  • hint: No trace file, no comment

Good luck


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Asked: 2022-09-05 10:03:49 +0000

Seen: 228 times

Last updated: Sep 07 '22