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User error, changed MDNS to TCP.

asked 2022-07-15 04:47:41 +0000

So I was messing with the settings and somehow change it to where it used to be protocol MDNS now it is stuck to TCP which has an invalid query for 4 characters instead of the 20? I am wondering how to re-display the MDNS instead of as TCP, I right-clicked a specific IP and now it is stuck as such. What steps do I need to take in order to display it as its original protocol MDNS? Also, is there any way to decrypt MDNS packets? Basically, I messed with the dissections I believe and somehow I replaced the MDNS protocol with the TCP one, I can't seem to change it back and am unsure what to do as of now. Any help is appreciated.

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answered 2022-07-15 05:57:26 +0000

hugo.vanderkooij gravatar image

If you have switched profiles you can just delete that profile. If you use the default profile you can install wireshark somwhere else and copy the profile from there. I can't recommend the use of profiles enough. I suggest you visit to learn a bit more. And there are a bunch of profiles that might help you out there.

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Asked: 2022-07-15 04:47:41 +0000

Seen: 132 times

Last updated: Jul 15 '22