How to get Wireshark Running
Hello all,
Normally I am not a person that posts something on forums as you can always find a solution by googling. But this time did not work for me for 2 days.
I have been trying to run Wireshark on my Windows 8 pc and had no luck so far. Whenever I start it it says no interfaces found. I googled numerous places giving information which was not helpful to me.
My OS: WIndows 8.1 x64 Things I tried to get it running:
1)Installed everything normally.
2)Installed winpcap (4.1.3) separately.
3)Uninstalled and then reinstalled both Wireshark (2.4.2, x64) and winpcap (4.1.3) in Windows 7 compatibility mode.
4)Rebooted pc.
5)Ran cmd as an admin and typing "sc qc npf", "net stop npf", "net start npf". Then started Wireshark and punched F5.
6)I have read something about installing npcap instead of winpcap. I installed using the Npcap 0.96 installer link and nothing changed.
Any help would be appreciated.
After starting WinPcap or npcap, could you run
dumpcap.exe -L
? It's the command line based low level capture tool that interfaces with the capture drivers. It should be able to communicate with them and show you the interfaces, or err out.Did you install USBPCAP also?