No packets from Datacom aggregate TAP
I have connected an aggregate TAP to my target network. Traffic flow through the ports is fine with no issues. I have connected my Wireshark via laptop to the monitor port 4 of the TAP. I am not seeing any packets or data.
Does my Wireshark laptop need to be set to the same network IP range as the target? I am trying to monitor two prototcols, JMS, Java Message Service and Photon Bolt UDP (Unity game) I do not see either of these protocols listed, will Wireshark not display?
I was hopeing to capture the traffic and manually parse the data if necessary, but I am not seeing anything.
I suspect that my configuration is incorrect, but I'm not sure how to test or set.
I would make it much easier if you specified exactly which TAP you have, what kind of settings you have on your network interface.
Have you configured the Datacom actively? So that Port 4 really works as an aggregated monitor port?