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TCP out-of-order

asked 2022-05-05 18:01:28 +0000

masoomeh_778 gravatar image

updated 2022-05-06 06:34:39 +0000

Jaap gravatar image

Hello guys, I am getting out-of-order because a standalone ACK message is going sooner than ack messages with data, is it matter? or in receiver transport layer this ack message with len=0 does not affect the data stream order

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thanks dear,

Im getting same problem in all logs as below:

48388  >  443 [PSH, ACK] Seq=518 Ack=3943 Win=74240 Len=80 TSval=988273141 TSecr=3873614181
48388  >  443 [ACK] Seq=598 Ack=3943 Win=74240 Len=1388 TSval=988273142 TSecr=3873614181
[TCP Previous segment not captured] 48388  >  443 [ACK] Seq=13090 Ack=3943 Win=74240 Len=0 TSval=988273156 TSecr=3873614181
[TCP Out-Of-Order] 48388  >  443 [ACK] Seq=1986 Ack=3943 Win=74240 Len=1388 TSval=988273142 TSecr=3873614181
[TCP Out-Of-Order] 48388  >  443 [ACK] Seq=3374 Ack=3943 Win=74240 Len=1388 TSval=988273142 TSecr=3873614181
[TCP Out-Of-Order] 48388  >  443 [ACK] Seq=4762 Ack=3943 Win=74240 Len=1388 TSval=988273142 TSecr=3873614181
[TCP Out-Of-Order] 48388  >  443 [ACK] Seq=6150 Ack=3943 Win=74240 Len=1388 TSval=988273144 TSecr=3873614181
[TCP Out-Of-Order] 48388  >  443 [ACK] Seq=7538 Ack=3943 Win=74240 Len ...
masoomeh_778 gravatar imagemasoomeh_778 ( 2022-05-06 12:18:20 +0000 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2022-05-06 10:00:29 +0000

hugo.vanderkooij gravatar image

updated 2022-05-06 10:54:24 +0000

Any decent implementation should be fine with this.

However in my exerience if you note that smaller packets arrive much sooner then larger packets (on the millisecond scale) then you have a serious bandwidth issue and you see other ackward things happening. If it only matters on the nano second scale then I expect no issues.

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Asked: 2022-05-05 18:01:28 +0000

Seen: 598 times

Last updated: May 06 '22