Timeout occurring quite regularly
I have a small network with a local database server (PostgreSQL) and 6 clients. It's all Windows.
Several times per day a timeout occurs when one of the clients sends SQL Queries to the server.
E.g. the client reports a 2022-04-01 15:24:06,959. tshark is running constantly on both ends and I looked for packets at about 15:23:51 (timeout is 15 seconds).
In the trace I see that the corresponding SQL query is not sent out to the server at 15:23:51.
The clients ip address is fe80::d9db:dcdf:58d3:2d03, the server's ip address is fe80::804b:e959:60b:e90b.
Client trace: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AphLkdj_V9pOqAE6W...
Server trace: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AphLkdj_V9pOqAB-R...
My question is: does the trace show any hints why the server's response does not reach the client? Is it maybe a DNS issue?
EDIT: The traces are anonymized using TraceWrangler. Therefore no PGSQL queries are included in the trace and the DNS queries are cut down to UDP packets.
You could use TraceWrangler to mask or remove sensitive data.
I anonymized traces using TraceWrangler and updated the issue.