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wireshark freezes when start capture

asked 2022-02-25 21:04:58 +0000

ilqar200 gravatar image

Hello. I have problem with wireshark.It freezes when i start capture on local area network connection. My system is Windows 7 x64 . My internet connection is via router.Packet capture driver is Npcap 1.6. I checked freezing is occuring also when i try to start capture on wireless network connection too. I have unchecked option use an external network name resolver but this didnot helped too.Wireshark is freezing anyway. So why is wireshark freezing ? thanks.

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That's probably Npcap 1.60, but what about the Wireshark version?

Jaap gravatar imageJaap ( 2022-02-26 11:24:51 +0000 )edit

Hello. Wireshark version is 3.6.2. What i must do to resolve this problem ?

ilqar200 gravatar imageilqar200 ( 2022-02-26 14:36:57 +0000 )edit

Not sure, not a Windows guy. Also Windows 7 support ended with Wireshark 3.2, but maybe someone else has an idea.

Jaap gravatar imageJaap ( 2022-02-26 16:56:12 +0000 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2022-11-07 08:22:30 +0000

On Win 7Pro/64, I've been using wireshark for a few weeks and yesterday it started freezing when I tried to start capture. After many reboots, uninstalls, reinstalls, etc. I remembered that I had started wireshark from a CMD window which has been opened as administrator. Using the "run as administrator" on the start menu entry isn't sufficient.

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Asked: 2022-02-25 21:04:58 +0000

Seen: 1,491 times

Last updated: Feb 25 '22