Lua: Error during loading: cannot open...
Dear experts in WireShark,
I have installed the latest version of WireShark in Windows 10. When I run the Wireshark, issued is the error message:
Lua: Error during loading: cannot open C:\Users\Username\Desktop\뺣낫듭땒\ㅅㅂ듟뜼궧 湲곗큹\WireShark\console.lua: Invalid argument
(I am a Korean and "뺣낫듭땒\ㅅㅂ듟뜼궧 湲곗큹" are Korean characters, most of which are NOT used ones in Korea.. The folder is non-existent.)
and cannot run.
I have tried with the privilege of Username and Administrator, but none succeeded.
Please let me know how to cope with this error.
Thank you in advance.
What is the install path of Wireshark, i.e. the directory that contains console.lua?
What locale is your system running in?
It is installed in the default directory, which is C:\Program Files\Wireshark.
And the locale is Korean.
Thank you.