Wireshark shows only the length column in a Wi-Fi capture
I am using last version of kali 2021.3 kali-rolling. Today I pass through 4.9 version of wireshark. But problem still continue. I am opening with terminal with sudo and also by wireshark icon but it only capturing length I put the image
Here is the inside of the frame
What does it display if you open up the "Frame 1" entry in the packet details pane?
(For some reason, image links don't seem to be working here; perhaps the software doesn't recognize it as an image as it doesn't end with .jpg or .png or something equally bogus. Try just posting further images as links rather than images, so we can click on the link to see the image, like this.)
Thanks for showing the link. Here is inside of the entry.
Thanks for reply. I edited the post.