Logon to an Oracle application very long
Hi everyone, I have an application that was migrated from on provider to another. From the new provider when a user logon it took around 5 minutes. Provider tell us that all is OK from their part. From my workstation I have run wireshark and find this in the frame :
1846 07:40:20,504 141.288 141.288268000 TCP 18 1522 129 262800 54525 1522 → 54525 [PSH, ACK] Seq=7915 Ack=6362 Win=262800 Len=75
2953 07:42:41,955 141.330 141.330132000 TCP 18 1522 127 262800 54525 1522 → 54525 [PSH, ACK] Seq=8062 Ack=6697 Win=262800 Len=73
Anyway I find the delay spend between my workstation and the application server (141 * 2 = 4.7 s).
I also noticed that the TTL (frame 1846 & 2953) is 60. Is it correct if I said there is 68 (128-60) network componant between my workstation ( and the Oracle server ( ? How can I know where the time is spend ?
Upload the capture file to a public share and then post a link to it back here.
There's at least one TCP segment between those two frames, note the TCP sequence numbers and the length of the first frame. Try "Follow -> TCP Stream" on one of those frames to see all the frames in the conversation. You can also set the time display (View -> Time Display Format) to "Seconds Since Previous Displayed Packet" to easily see the time difference between frames.
Hello Grahamb, Thanks for your answer. I added link directly to my initial post.