Decoding data in HTTP2 as JSON
Hi All,
Is there a way to make Wireshark always decode the DATA section in all HTTP2 packets as JSON w/o right clicking on a packet from yet another IP:tcpport stream to be treated and manually doing Decode As... for it? This is for 5G SBI/SBA testing/troubleshooting activities.
Many thanks in advance!
Do you have a sample capture to share?
Sure: (btw it won't dissect JSON in HTTP2 for some reason even when explicitly specified via Decode As)
The single packet in the capture is not recognized as HTTP2. Need more of the earlier packets in the stream as was mentioned here.
@Chuckc: thank you: looks like that's exactly what's missing even in my entire trace, so I'll need to see how to start it early enough to capture that critical piece of data if I got it right.