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How to catch issue with network latency

asked 2021-01-11 10:32:58 +0000

updated 2021-01-11 12:29:17 +0000

Jaap gravatar image

I have repeatedly issue with network latency , I want to analysis it only when the issue will come, but before i run Wireshark , issue will get resolve, what can i do in this case how to analysis then.

Can somebody help me here on this, so that i can only monitor it at the time of issue occurs , i don't want to run wireshark all time. It should be only for specific time.

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answered 2021-01-11 12:35:51 +0000

Jaap gravatar image

Assuming you have a known network interface where you can capture this behaviour, what you can do is run dumpcap, not Wireshark, in ring buffer mode. That will capture the traffic which you can then pick up when the event is reported. Running dumpcap will not analyse the traffic, so won't blow out of memory when running for a long time. Tweak the ring buffer parameters to your needs, i.e. capture file sizes you can handle, retention time, available storage size, etc.

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Asked: 2021-01-11 10:32:58 +0000

Seen: 700 times

Last updated: Jan 11 '21