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No Interfaces after Windows 10 build 2004 update

asked 2020-06-21 17:43:14 +0000

markwny153 gravatar image

Today, I find that Wireshark v 3.2.4 is not able to see any of my computer interfaces. It was working the last time I used it a couple of days ago (before the Win 10 update). I also see that Npcap was updated today as well (automatically, since I did not update it). It is now at v0.9991. Refreshing interfaces does not help.

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You might try reinstalling npcap with the latest - 0.9994

Chuckc gravatar imageChuckc ( 2020-06-21 18:17:36 +0000 )edit

There is no auto-update of npcap as such, but when installing Wireshark and an older version of npcap is detected the option to install the newer version is pre-selected and will be installed unless the user unchecks the install box for the newer npcap version on the "Packet Capture" page of the installer dialog.

The version of npcap installed by 3.2.4 is 0.9991. The version of npcap installed by Wireshark "stable" versions, such as 3.2.4, lags slightly behind the latest npcap version to allow any issues with npcap releases to be discovered.

Issues such as the reported one are often fixed by either reinstalling npcap or upgrading to a newer version, with the caveats that living on the "bleeding edge" of npcap releases may cause blood loss.

grahamb gravatar imagegrahamb ( 2020-06-21 18:59:34 +0000 )edit

Installing Npcap v 0.9994 fixed the problem. Thank you very much for letting me know there was a later version. I also appreciate the humor in your caveat. Thanks again.

markwny153 gravatar imagemarkwny153 ( 2020-06-21 20:42:23 +0000 )edit

Problem and solution duplicated here, thanks.

JohnT gravatar imageJohnT ( 2020-07-01 14:38:05 +0000 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2020-07-01 14:38:45 +0000

JohnT gravatar image

Installing Npcap v 0.9994 fixes the problem, see comments.

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Asked: 2020-06-21 17:43:14 +0000

Seen: 856 times

Last updated: Jul 01 '20