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Retrieving Duration Using Tshark.

asked 2020-06-17 21:03:45 +0000

Amgonz gravatar image

For a project I am working on I am trying to extract network features with Tshark and export the features as a .csv file to then use in python.

One of the features I am trying to get is duration I can find duration using the Wireshark application by going into statistics then conversations, however, I am unable to find the commands to find and export the feature using Tshark.

Can anyone help me out?

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answered 2020-06-17 21:17:54 +0000

Chuckc gravatar image

updated 2020-06-17 21:22:37 +0000

Some/most of the Statistics are available with -z options.
Check the tshark man page

$ tshark -r ./output.pcap  -z conv,ip -q | head -6
IPv4 Conversations
Filter:<No Filter>
             |      <-      | |      ->      | |    Total    |   Relative   |  Duration |
             | Frames  Bytes| | Frames  Bytes| |Frames  Bytes|      Start   |           |<->
                 0       0        40    25674    40     25674  0.000000000      0.1089
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Asked: 2020-06-17 21:03:45 +0000

Seen: 963 times

Last updated: Jun 17 '20