Could NOT find GLIB2 (missing: GLIB2_LIBRARY GLIB2_MAIN_INCLUDE_DIR. Trying to build Wireshark 3.0 on Windows.
Executed command on Windows: cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ..\wireshark
Error returned: Could NOT find GLIB2 (missing: GLIB2_LIBRARY GLIB2_MAIN_INCLUDE_DIR
That's the correct build command for Wireshark 3.0, but we'll need to see the full output from the command. Please redirect the output to a text file, post the file on a public share and then post a link to it back here. You can redirect using the following:
(I'll put this up here for future reference) Generate the build files
To use a different generator modify the -G parameter. cmake -G lists all the CMake supported generators, but only Visual Studio is supported for Wireshark builds.