remove modbus packets/filter modbus
I want to remove the mobus packets from my pcap file and save the results in a file. I used this command
not (modbus or mbtcp)
and save the dispay packets but the results file still contains some modbus packets
Save the display packets, how?
File -> export specify packets and export eitheir dispayed packet or marked parckets (after doing ctrl shift m to mark the packets)
Do the packets not being excluded match some of these other protocol names?
The packets that I want exclude are the modbus/tcp packets
What version of Wireshark?
Are they large modbus packets that might span TCP segments?
The file is big but packets I dont know. My wireshark version is : 3.2.1
Perhaps a different tact: exclude on the tcp port?
Oh i did think to that. Maybe it will work. I will test it tomorrow and give you a feedback. Thanks
not tcp.port==502 does not work. It remove also all tcp packets