confused by values, a project for school unencrypted email sniffing
they gave us an unencrypted email script to run to capture the packets which i think i did properly... we are supposed to "sniff" the password of the account. well i am getting a value that is not the correct answer and was wondering how i was analyzing these packets wrong. if someone could point me in the right direction it would be great.
i get pass: bXlwYXNzd29yZDk4OTgh in one of the packets but that string is not the correct answer and not sure exactly why... the correct answer i know already from someone else but i am trying to understand the why and how to get there. link:data link:packets couldn't get images to load so added link to imgur
so the answer i came up with was bXlwYXNzd29yZDk4OTgh but the correct answer is mypassword9898! not sure where this answer came from though
@pizzadelivery01, generally we don't close answered questions here, we accept the answer, I've converted the comment from @bubbasnmp to an answer.
thanks @grahamb couldn't figure out how to accept his response as the answer so I closed it so others wouldn't have to keep responding and thank you @bubbasnmp for the link for the information
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