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UMTS_RRC_MEasurement Report

asked 2020-04-10 06:49:21 +0000

etarira gravatar image

updated 2020-04-10 07:24:34 +0000

grahamb gravatar image

Hi All, I have the below RRC_MEASUREMENT_REPORT Trace sent by UE to RNC.=> this is one packet only . how can I read the values of the three Scrambling codes, and the three RSCPs... using tshark

|           |   msg
|           |     struUL-DCCH-Message
|           |       struUL-DCCH-Message
|           |         integrityCheckInfo
|           |           messageAuthenticationCode:'00100100001110011111010011001001'B
|           |           rrc-MessageSequenceNumber:0x2
|           |         message
|           |           measurementReport
|           |             measurementIdentity:0x1
|           |             measuredResults
|           |               intraFreqMeasuredResultsList
|           |                 CellMeasuredResults
|           |                   cellSynchronisationInfo
|           |                     modeSpecificInfo
|           |                       fdd
|           |                         countC-SFN-Frame-difference
|           |                           countC-SFN-High:0x0
|           |                           off:0x5
|           |                         tm:0xe00
|           |                   modeSpecificInfo
|           |                     fdd
|           |                       primaryCPICH-Info
|           |                         primaryScramblingCode:0x4d
|           |                       cpich-Ec-N0:0x14
|           |                       cpich-RSCP:0x12
|           |                 CellMeasuredResults
|           |                   cellSynchronisationInfo
|           |                     modeSpecificInfo
|           |                       fdd
|           |                         countC-SFN-Frame-difference
|           |                           countC-SFN-High:0x0
|           |                           off:0xaf
|           |                         tm:0x4509
|           |                   modeSpecificInfo
|           |                     fdd
|           |                       primaryCPICH-Info
|           |                         primaryScramblingCode:0x19
|           |                       cpich-Ec-N0:0xc
|           |                       cpich-RSCP:0xf
|           |                 CellMeasuredResults
|           |                   cellSynchronisationInfo
|           |                     modeSpecificInfo
|           |                       fdd
|           |                         countC-SFN-Frame-difference
|           |                           countC-SFN-High:0x0
|           |                           off:0xef
|           |                         tm:0x5e7f
|           |                   modeSpecificInfo
|           |                     fdd
|           |                       primaryCPICH-Info
|           |                         primaryScramblingCode:0x80
|           |                       cpich-Ec-N0:0x7
|           |                       cpich-RSCP:0xc
|           |             eventResults
|           |               intraFreqEventResults
|           |                 eventID:e1a
|           |                 cellMeasurementEventResults
|           |                   fdd-CellMeasRslt
|           |                     PrimaryCPICH-Info
|           |                       primaryScramblingCode:0x19
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2 Answers

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answered 2020-04-18 18:35:47 +0000

etarira gravatar image

Hi all I found the solution to this : it will be in the below format : 1,1,1,1,1,1 is the values of the sub items in the same message

tshark -r export_ETHERNET.pcap -T fields -e ip.src -e ip.dst -e ranap.ProtocolIE_Field_element 1,1,1,1,1,1

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answered 2020-04-10 13:46:15 +0000

Pascal Quantin gravatar image


tshark cannot read this proprietary log format, so you are out of luck.

Best regards, Pascal.

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You didn't read my question well ! tshark does read pcap files, and not this log above. My question is : how can tshark read the pcap trace file and extract the measuredResults fields .

etarira gravatar imageetarira ( 2020-04-10 14:14:31 +0000 )edit

Well, nowhere in your question it was clear that you had a pcap that would match this proprietary log. If you expect to get some help, it would be a good idea to share the pcap rather than this non Wirehark based decoding. Help us help you.

Pascal Quantin gravatar imagePascal Quantin ( 2020-04-10 19:14:58 +0000 )edit

Fine. That is the problem : I was trying to convert this text trace to pcap trace using text2pcap but it is not giving me any output .

To be more precise , my goal is to read these parameters from measurement report : - OFF - tm - Scrambling code for every neighboring cell. In this case, the returned result should be an array or a list instead of a single value !! This is the trick ! How can i do that.

etarira gravatar imageetarira ( 2020-04-11 01:50:47 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2020-04-10 06:49:21 +0000

Seen: 558 times

Last updated: Apr 18 '20