I get "the captured file appears to have been cut short in the middle" reading a file from tcpdump if I kill it while it's capturing
Wireshark tool always show an error prompt with "the captured file appears to have been cut short in the middle of a packet " when I try to open the captured PCAP packet ,I have no idea what' s happen , I tired to do a fix by pcapfix tool then the error prompt gone ,could anyone answer me what's mean for the error ,How to resolve it ,whether My packet exist a cut in it ,
thank you very much in advance ,
How are you capturing the traffic? Are you doing it in Wireshark or in some other program?
Hi , appreciate you quick reply , I captured the file with tcpdump ,belows are my steps to run it 1: push the tcpdump file to myphone/data direcotry and grant the file 777 permission (adb shell chmod 777 /data/tcpdump) 2:Run the commands series :tcpdump -i any -s 0 -w /sdcard/ip.pcap & , 3: After 25 hours gone ,Pull out the file ip.pcap for analysing , then the error prompt while I open ip.pcap with wireshake , I have no idea to check which fragment be cut short in the captured file ,How to prevent this problem when I perform to capture pcap packet ,
Do you stop tcpdump before 'pulling out the file ip.pcap'?