How to deactivate the warning "Trailing stray characters"?
The title says everything, how can i deactivate this warning?
The title says everything, how can i deactivate this warning?
is checking for characters after a null ("\0") character which is the normal end of string.
Doesn't appear that it can be disabled:
/* "String Errors" isn't really a protocol, it's an error indication;
disabling them makes no sense. */
Technically i totally agree that it makes no sense to disable it, but I'm using WireShark to protocol a development for our customer. There are a lot of reviewers that will go through the project documentation and they all see "yellow" marked parts with "Traling Stray Characters". I want to prevent that all these reviewer, an i guess they don't know what this messages mean, see that yellow marked packages. This wil automatically indicate something like "there is something not ok". From that point of view it makes sense :-) But as i understand, it is not possible.
Have you looked at changing the Severity of the messages?
So does your protocol have counted strings, null-terminated strings, null-padded strings, or strings that are both counted and null-terminated?
Why not sanitise your protocol, cleaning the string buffer tails before sending the packets, preventing leaking data? The warning is there for a (that) reason. If you can make the case that such side channel leaks are not a problem, explain that to the reviewers.
@Guy Harris Yes, the customer protocol has null-terminated strings, counted and checksum after that.
@Jaap As i wrote, it is a customer protocol and it is not changeable at current project status.
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Asked: 2020-03-24 09:53:55 +0000
Seen: 2,180 times
Last updated: Jul 08 '20
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