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TCP Dup ACK Question

asked 2018-01-31 22:51:41 +0000

Pikey gravatar image

updated 2018-02-01 07:18:01 +0000

Jaap gravatar image

Packet capture running on a mirrored switchport, capturing all traffic on all VLAN in both directions. Packet capture shows a lot of TCP Dup ACK's. Could the packet capture being set up to capture traffic in both directions be causing this?

74079   24.614726   10.xx.xx.xx 10.xx.xx.xx TCP 78  [TCP Dup ACK 74061#4] 42900 → 80 [ACK] Seq=151 Ack=155475 Win=79680 Len=0 TSval=283933383 TSecr=1104610497 SLE=156923 SRE=161267
74080   24.614727   10.xx.xx.xx 10.xx.xx.xx TCP 78  [TCP Dup ACK 74061#5] 42900 → 80 [ACK] Seq=151 Ack=155475 Win=79680 Len=0 TSval=283933383 TSecr=1104610497 SLE=156923 SRE=161267
74081   24.614727   10.xx.xx.xx 10.xx.xx.xx TCP 78  [TCP Dup ACK 74061#6] 42900 → 80 [ACK] Seq=151 Ack=155475 Win=79680 Len=0 TSval=283933383 TSecr=1104610497 SLE=156923 SRE=162715
74082   24.614728   10.xx.xx.xx 10.xx.xx.xx TCP 78  [TCP Dup ACK 74061#7] 42900 → 80 [ACK] Seq=151 Ack=155475 Win=79680 Len=0 TSval=283933383 TSecr=1104610497 SLE=156923 SRE=162715


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answered 2018-02-01 11:32:48 +0000

Christian_R gravatar image

From the screenshot it seems to be a duplicated frame. Maybe due to a network failure or capture failure. Hard to tell with nothing more than that screenshot.

If they are red herings due to a capture setup, then you can try to deduplicate the frames by using the cli editcap tool. Which comes with wireshark.

editcap -d  infile outfile
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While mirroring both directions of the whole VLAN intrinsically causes packet duplication in the capture (each packet is mirrored once when entering the switch through one port and once when leaving it through another one), such cause of duplicate ACK would mean just a single duplicate ACK per each "real" packet. However, you can see that here you have at least seven Dup ACKs referring to the same original packet (74061).

But when you look at the SLE and SRE values which differ between duplicates 4 and 5 at one hand and duplicates 6 and 7 at the other, I'm afraid that what you have captured is a case where there is a gap in received data and advanced TCP transmission control is active. So the ACK values indicate the last byte of data received continuously while the SLE and SRE values indicate which data have already been received ...(more)

sindy gravatar imagesindy ( 2018-02-01 20:30:25 +0000 )edit

@sindy has pointed it out right.please use the editcap command to deduplicate the capture errors of Dup#5 and Dup#7

Christian_R gravatar imageChristian_R ( 2018-02-02 07:06:37 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2018-01-31 22:51:41 +0000

Seen: 2,133 times

Last updated: Feb 01 '18