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DNP3 Group0 Support

asked 2017-11-02 14:18:21 +0000

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I have been tracing dnp3 packets through Wireshark and whenever a Group0 Var 204, 205 is received the packet it not completely parsed due to the unknown object error. Is there a list of what the dnp3 filter supports or to which specification the filter is complaint with ?

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answered 2017-11-02 15:08:31 +0000

grahamb gravatar image

There is no external list, but the following is extracted from the current dissector (master branch) showing the Group 0 variations that are handled:

#define AL_OBJ_DA_USR_ATTR 0x00D3   /* 00 211 Device Attributes - Identifier of support for user-specific attributes */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MSTR_DSP 0x00D4   /* 00 212 Device Attributes - Number of master-defined data set prototypes  */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_OS_DSP   0x00D5   /* 00 213 Device Attributes - Number of outstation-defined data set prototypes */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MSTR_DS  0x00D6   /* 00 214 Device Attributes - Number of master-defined data sets  */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_OS_DS    0x00D7   /* 00 215 Device Attributes - Number of outstation-defined data sets  */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_BO_REQ   0x00D8   /* 00 216 Device Attributes - Max number of binary outputs per request  */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_LOC_TA   0x00D9   /* 00 217 Device Attributes - Local timing accuracy  */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_DUR_TA   0x00DA   /* 00 218 Device Attributes - Duration of timing accuraccy  */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_AO_EVT   0x00DB   /* 00 219 Device Attributes - Support for analog output events  */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MAX_AO   0x00DC   /* 00 220 Device Attributes - Max analog output index  */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_NUM_AO   0x00DD   /* 00 221 Device Attributes - Number of analog outputs  */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_BO_EVT   0x00DE   /* 00 222 Device Attributes - Support for binary output events  */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MAX_BO   0x00DF   /* 00 223 Device Attributes - Max binary output index  */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_NUM_BO   0x00E0   /* 00 224 Device Attributes - Number of binary outputs  */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_FCTR_EVT 0x00E1   /* 00 225 Device Attributes - Support for frozen counter events */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_FCTR     0x00E2   /* 00 226 Device Attributes - Support for frozen counters       */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_CTR_EVT  0x00E3   /* 00 227 Device Attributes - Support for counter events        */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MAX_CTR  0x00E4   /* 00 228 Device Attributes - Max counter index                 */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_NUM_CTR  0x00E5   /* 00 229 Device Attributes - Number of counter points          */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_AIF      0x00E6   /* 00 230 Device Attributes - Support for frozen analog inputs  */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_AI_EVT   0x00E7   /* 00 231 Device Attributes - Support for analog input events   */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MAX_AI   0x00E8   /* 00 232 Device Attributes - Maximum analog input index        */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_NUM_AI   0x00E9   /* 00 233 Device Attributes - Number of analog input points     */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_2BI_EVT  0x00EA   /* 00 234 Device Attributes - Support for Double-Bit BI Events  */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MAX_2BI  0x00EB   /* 00 235 Device Attributes - Max Double-bit BI Point Index     */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_NUM_2BI  0x00EC   /* 00 236 Device Attributes - Number of Double-bit BI Points    */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_BI_EVT   0x00ED   /* 00 237 Device Attributes - Support for Binary Input Events   */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MAX_BI   0x00EE   /* 00 238 Device Attributes - Max Binary Input Point Index      */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_NUM_BI   0x00EF   /* 00 239 Device Attributes - Number of Binary Input Points     */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MXTX_FR  0x00F0   /* 00 240 Device Attributes - Maximum Transmit Fragment Size    */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MXRX_FR  0x00F1   /* 00 241 Device Attributes - Maximum Receive Fragment Size     */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_SWVER    0x00F2   /* 00 242 Device Attributes - Device Manufacturers SW Version   */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_HWVER    0x00F3   /* 00 243 Device Attributes - Device Manufacturers HW Version   */
                /* 00 244 Future Assignment                                     */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_LOC      0x00F5   /* 00 245 Device Attributes - User-Assigned Location            */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_ID       0x00F6   /* 00 246 Device Attributes - User-Assigned ID code/number      */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_DEVNAME  0x00F7   /* 00 247 Device Attributes - User-Assigned Device Name         */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_SERNUM   0x00F8   /* 00 248 Device Attributes - Device Serial Number              */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_CONF     0x00F9   /* 00 249 Device Attributes - DNP Subset and Conformance        */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_PROD     0x00FA   /* 00 250 Device Attributes - Device Product Name and Model     */
                /* 00 251 Future Assignment                                     */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_MFG      0x00FC   /* 00 252 Device Attributes - Device Manufacturers Name         */
                /* 00 253 Future Assignment                                     */
#define AL_OBJ_DA_ALL      0x00FE   /* 00 254 Device Attributes ...
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Thanks for your reply. I do not have access to the specification but I know that for variation 204, 205 the data type is short floating point. I will still raise an enhancement request and if time permits would try and implement it myself

abchopra gravatar imageabchopra ( 2017-11-06 21:31:48 +0000 )edit

I've found information about the new g0 variations 196-210 and I'm in the process of adding them to the DNP3 dissector, but SharkFest EU is taking up a lot of my time at the moment, so maybe next week.

grahamb gravatar imagegrahamb ( 2017-11-07 10:18:57 +0000 )edit

Sounds good. Ill be waiting for an update then!

abchopra gravatar imageabchopra ( 2017-11-07 20:42:31 +0000 )edit

Can you share the capture with the unsupported variations, I would like to test the code I've added?

grahamb gravatar imagegrahamb ( 2017-11-23 00:32:29 +0000 )edit

Sure! Here it is! Group0 Capture

abchopra gravatar imageabchopra ( 2017-11-29 15:34:36 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2017-11-02 14:18:21 +0000

Seen: 1,330 times

Last updated: Nov 02 '17