Break a 140MB file to smaller files
I have a 140MB trace file and I'd like to break it down to several 30Mb file so I can attached to my email. How do I do that? Thx
even 30MB would be too much for most users because the binary files are being transfered using Base64 encoding which will make your 30MB file like 40MB+ mail - an easy way to fill up user's quota.
Use dropbox/wetransfer etc instead - your recipient will thank you for saving time by avoiding mergecap'ing
This discussion has some different ways:
Everyone has their preference, but I prefer:
tcpdump -r old_file -w new_files -C 10
Where C is in MB. Another good discussion on the topic using editcap:
Asked: 2020-01-03 18:51:06 +0000
Seen: 360 times
Last updated: Feb 02 '20