Different protocols recognized by tshark on Windows and Linux
I am investigating a capture file where some SIP messages arrive in the wrong order (out-of-order segments). If I observe the packet layers of the particular segment, I get different results on Windows and Linux machines.
Both on Linux and Windows the tshark command is the following (i am looking for frame no. 650):
tshark -r ooo.pcap -T fields -e frame.protocols frame.number==650
However the outputs of the command are different on different OSs:
Windows output:
Linux output (CentOS 7):
It seems like the Linux version cannot detect the sip layer. On sip packets that are not out-of-order both versions read the sip layer correctly.
How does this happen? Is there a settings field that has different default value on linux&windows?
Both Wireshark(tshark) versions are the same (3.0.6), and the 'ooo.pcap' file is also identical.
Check tcp preferences on both machines.
Thanks, amazing!
did it. It looks like somehow wireshark defaults this value differently on the two OSs.