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Display filter field names in the csv file

asked 2019-09-07 22:10:48 +0000

salwa1215 gravatar image


I use this command to filter some field from my pcap file and store them in a csv file:

tshark -r capturebase.pcap -T fields -e ip.src -e ip.dst -e frame.number -e modbus.func_code -e modbus.byte_cnt

I want to know how can add filter field names in the csv file please

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answered 2019-09-08 08:56:54 +0000

grahamb gravatar image

From the tshark man page (also in the help output by -h):

-E <field print="" option=""> Set an option controlling the printing of fields when -T fields is selected.

Options are:

bom=y|n If y, prepend output with the UTF-8 byte order mark (hexadecimal ef, bb, bf). Defaults to n.

header=y|n If y, print a list of the field names given using -e as the first line of the output; the field name will be separated using the same character as the field values. Defaults to n.

separator=/t|/s|<character> Set the separator character to use for fields. If /t tab will be used (this is the default), if /s, a single space will be used. Otherwise any character that can be accepted by the command line as part of the option may be used.

occurrence=f|l|a Select which occurrence to use for fields that have multiple occurrences. If f the first occurrence will be used, if l the last occurrence will be used and if a all occurrences will be used (this is the default).

aggregator=,|/s|<character> Set the aggregator character to use for fields that have multiple occurrences. If , a comma will be used (this is the default), if /s, a single space will be used. Otherwise any character that can be accepted by the command line as part of the option may be used.

quote=d|s|n Set the quote character to use to surround fields. d uses double-quotes, s single-quotes, n no quotes (the default).

So add -E header=y to your command line.

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Thank you very much It works

salwa1215 gravatar imagesalwa1215 ( 2019-09-12 08:01:44 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2019-09-07 22:10:48 +0000

Seen: 913 times

Last updated: Sep 08 '19