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dissector or decoding for data payload

asked 2019-06-21 10:40:30 +0000

Nitin Jain gravatar image

Please help, We have to decode a TCP - SIP packet which consist message & contents; we are interested in contents decoding; this contents - consist of an xml and binary data. Please help as we are new to wireshark dissecting / decoding .

Thanks in advance.

Regards, Nitin Jain

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answered 2019-06-21 11:23:27 +0000

Jaap gravatar image

There may be several ways to go about this. One route is to write a Lua script for your extensions. This uses an API exposed by Wireshark that allows additions to the dissection engine, i.e., for your protocol. Further details can be found in the Wireshark Developer's Guide.

When you're looking into coding your own dissector in C you can reference the Wireshark Developer's Guide how to setup your development environment, and find additional documentation in the /doc directory of the source tree.

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Asked: 2019-06-21 10:40:30 +0000

Seen: 1,122 times

Last updated: Jun 21 '19