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First I know this isn't a firewall.

Correct. We also have minimal interest, if any, in making it a firewall.

Perhaps we could add a feature that writes out firewall rules, but that's probably all we'd do. Wireshark does not plug into the networking stack in a place where it could function as a firewall; it plugs in (via libpcap/Npcap) at a place where it can capture network traffic.

By default, whey doesn't this have a colum of resolved Destination name and/or resolved source name?

By default, it has a column that shows the source and destination, which are resolved if the user enabled name resolution and not resolved otherwise. If you want a column that's always resolved, you can add one.

Need a right click option to block this columns address/port It should have a column of program name.

We don't currently support associating packets with a program name.