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The MATE plugin can group packets.

Below is slightly modified 12.5.2. A GOP for HTTP requests to match only POST requests.

Pdu http_pdu Proto http Transport tcp/ip {
    Extract addr From ip.addr;
    Extract port From tcp.port;
    Extract http_rq From http.request.method;
    Extract http_rs From http.response;
//    DiscardPduData true;

Gop http_req On http_pdu Match (addr, addr, port, port) {
    Start (http_rq="POST");
    Stop (http_rs);

There was a MATE presentation (unfortunately not recorded) at SharkFest’24 US:

23: Three-dimensional display filters with MATE, by Chuck Craft

Slide 2 shows steps for adding a MATE script and enabling it.
Slide 10 mentions "5. TCP reassembly may cause issues"
Disable (uncheck) the TCP preference "Allow subdissector to reassemble TCP streams" for script above to work.