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I didn't verify the logic of "SYN-ACKs which result in an RST packet" but this will load and execute clean.
-- Create a new protocol to hold the custom field. -- This protocol will be used for tagging TCP packets in Wireshark. local tcp_tagging_proto = Proto("tcp_tagging", "TCP Tagging Protocol") -- Define a custom field for tagging purposes. -- This field will be used to indicate whether a TCP SYN packet is followed by an RST packet. local f_tcp_syn_followed_by_rst = ProtoField.bool("tcp_tagging.syn_followed_by_rst", "SYN followed by RST", 8, nil, 0x01) tcp_tagging_proto.fields = { f_tcp_syn_followed_by_rst } -- Tables to hold the stream information -- This table will keep track of TCP streams that have an RST packet. local rst_stream_table = {} -- Define field extractors local tcp_stream_field = Field.new("tcp.stream") local tcp_flags_field = Field.new("tcp.flags") -- Function to analyze RST packets and register them with their stream number. -- This function will be called for each packet to check if it is an RST packet and record its stream number. -- Function to analyze RST packets and register them with their stream number. local function analyze_packet_rst(pinfo, tvb, tree) local tcp_stream = tcp_stream_field().value -- Extract the numeric value local flags = tcp_flags_field().value -- Extract the numeric value local rst_flag = bit32.band(flags, 0x04) ~= 0 -- Check if the RST flag is set. -- If the RST flag is set, record the stream number in the rst_stream_table. if rst_flag then rst_stream_table[tcp_stream] = true end end -- Function to find SYN-ACK packets and tag them if an RST was found for the same stream. -- This function tags SYN-ACK packets that are followed by an RST packet in the same TCP stream. local function analyze_packet_tag(pinfo, tvb, tree) local tcp_stream = tcp_stream_field().value -- Extract the numeric value local flags = tcp_flags_field().value -- Extract the numeric value local syn_flag = bit32.band(flags, 0x02) ~= 0 -- Check if the SYN flag is set. local ack_flag = bit32.band(flags, 0x10) ~= 0 -- Check if the ACK flag is set. -- If this is a SYN-ACK packet and the stream has an RST, set the custom field to true. if syn_flag and ack_flag and rst_stream_table[tcp_stream] then local subtree = tree:add(tcp_tagging_proto, tvb()) -- Add the protocol to the packet tree. subtree:add(f_tcp_syn_followed_by_rst, tvb(), true) -- Set the custom field value. pinfo.cols.info:append(" [SYN followed by RST]") -- Append a note to the packet info column. end end -- Dissector function for the custom protocol. -- This function calls the two analysis functions to process each packet. function tcp_tagging_proto.dissector(tvb, pinfo, tree) if ((tcp_stream_field() ~= nil) and (tcp_flags_field() ~= nil)) then analyze_packet_rst(pinfo, tvb, tree) -- Call the function to analyze RST packets. analyze_packet_tag(pinfo, tvb, tree) -- Call the function to tag SYN-ACK packets. end end -- Register the protocol as a postdisector. -- This will ensure that the protocol is called after the standard dissectors. register_postdissector(tcp_tagging_proto)