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When using a custom DLT_USER with "mime_multipart" it shows: dissector not found
That's because Wireshark didn't find a dissector named "mime_multipart".
It failed to find it because there is no dissector in Wireshark 3.6.x or 4.0.x named "mime_multipart".
There is a dissector for multipart/ media types, but, in all current Wireshark releases, it has no name, so the only way it gets called is if there's data that's identified by some other protocol in the packet as having a media type of multipart/<something>; there's no way to explicitly say "hand this to the multipart/ media type dissector".
The only ways to do that would either be to 1) wait for Wireshark 4.2, in which that dissector has a name ("mime_multipart"), or 2) use a "bleeding edge" Wireshark build from the "automated builds" area, where there are source code trees under "src" (which you will have to build yourself) and 32-bit Windows, 64-bit Windows, and macOS x86-64 and ARM64 builds under "win32", "win64", and "osx", respectively.
If you go with 2), you're living on the bleeding edge, so you may get buggier behavior than with an official release.