1 | initial version |
To be honest their will be no official release of Wireshark 2.9. The reason is that anything Wireshark with an odd minor release number is considered a development version.
So what is to be expected then? After Wireshark 2.6 it was decided that we should press ahead for Wireshark 3.0, because there are some major changes in the making. In the run up to that, the development release number has been set to 2.9. That number is being used for all new builds from the repository master. Eventually this will be tagged Wireshark 3.0.
For the answer to the question when that will happen it's best to look at the RoadMap where we have a tentative planning. There you can see it's expected to be ready somewhere in the fall of 2018.
You're always open to present dissectors to be included in the development version of Wireshark, the sooner the better, so that any problems can be worked out asap. Make sure they are properly developed and submitted through Gerrit. Any development issues should be discussed on the development mailing list.