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From the Wireshark wiki:
"Does not currently run under Windows. The problem seen was a failure to launch Snort using g_spawn_async_with_pipes(). Any suggestions on how to fix this would be welcome."

Please open an issue on the Wireshark GitLab site so that this can be tracked and maybe repaired. At the very least there should be a warning message similar to:

report_failure("Snort dissector: Can't run snort - config file '%s' not found\n", pref_snort_config_filename);

in packet-snort.c to indicate there is a problem.

From the Wireshark wiki:
"Does not currently run under Windows. The problem seen was a failure to launch Snort using g_spawn_async_with_pipes(). Any suggestions on how to fix this would be welcome."

Please open an issue on the Wireshark GitLab site so that this can be tracked and maybe repaired. repaired.
At the very least there should be a warning message similar to:

report_failure("Snort dissector: Can't run snort - config file '%s' not found\n", pref_snort_config_filename);

in packet-snort.c to indicate there is a problem.